Discuss some of the arguments for and/or against keeping
animals in zoos.
There are not many
people in the world who haven’t visited a zoo or safari park in their lifetime.
Not only is a trip to the zoo a fun day out, it is a chance for many people to
get relatively close to animals they are unlikely to see elsewhere. Zoos are
run to a strict standard, with licences and regular welfare checks all being
required. Despite these standards, many individuals are against animals living
in captivity and being “paraded” in front of people for monetary gain. Others
believe, for many animals, captivity is the only way their species will survive
extinction. What you choose to believe is entirely your choice, but it may help
to hear the opposing arguments.
Benefits or Pros
The average zoo today
is a far cry from the zoos of old when cement cages and steel-bar enclosures
were commonplace. A much more natural approach is taken these days, with modern
zoos using streams and moats to prevent animals from leaving a specific area.
The animals are also
housed in what is known as a mini-habitat, this means the enclosure where that
particular animal lives is as close to its natural habitat as possible. When a
zoo wishes to acquire a new animal, there is a strict procedure to follow. In
the past, representatives from the zoo would simply capture the desired animal
from the wild and bring it back. Now zoos are required to either get animals
from other zoos or through specialist captive breeding projects.
Breeding programs are
focused on breeding animals that face extinction, meaning captivity is the only
chance some animals have at survival. On odd occasion a zoo may adopt an
abandoned or orphaned animal, usually from individuals who have bought an
animal for a pet that they can no longer look after properly.
in the past, staffs were trained in general zoo upkeep, zookeepers now have
specialist knowledge and often specialise in a particular animal. As well as
understanding the animal’s food and sleep requirements, each zookeeper will be
in charge of arranging activities for their animal to prevent mental
deteriation. This may be a game, involve toys or a simple treasure hunt for dinner.
This prevents the animals from becoming bored and depressed.
of the most valuable benefits a zoo has to offer is the chance for scientists
to conduct important research. This subsequently helps the scientists develop
new ways to improve each animal’s wellbeing, as well as important new
medicines. Most zoos also run education programs, which teach people everything
they need to know from caring for animals to taking part in conservation
projects. These important educational sessions provide the general public with
an insight into not only zoo life but the harsh reality of illegal hunting,
endangered animals and extinction.
The main argument
against zoos is the belief by some professionals that, even with the best
intentions and conditions, a zoo cannot provide the perfect environment for
every type of animal. For example, it is extremely difficult for zoos to
recreate the natural environment that an elephant is used to living in. This is
because in the course of a day an elephant can walk anywhere up to 50 kilometers a day. Elephants also travel in packs of thirty or forty in the
wild. In most zoos, elephants will usually have just several acres to walk
around in and maybe a couple of other elephants if they are lucky.
zoos and safari parks have to adhere to guidelines laid down in the Animal
Welfare Act. While these guidelines are extremely strict, many anti-zoo
campaigners believe it is rarely enforced and zoos tend to follow a relaxed
version of the rules.
against animals being kept in zoos are also unimpressed with the attempts to
create an animal friendly habitat for each occupant. They argue that these
habitats, while attractive and a vast improvement on the past, are rarely big
enough and do not prevent the animals from becoming depressed. For example,
animals such as giraffes and zebras were designed, and are built, to run across
miles of terrain, something they cannot do in captivity.
supporters also argue that by making animals live in artificial surroundings
the zoo is messing with natural mating and hunting activities. According to
scientists, this can cause something called zoochosis in the animal, which is
similar to the human Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Another problem is
privacy, because the animals are living in habitats that are often extremely
smaller than they are used to, the animal cannot enjoy much needed privacy.
This can cause depression and obsessive behavior in the animals.
While all conservation
efforts must be admired, for those people against keeping animals in a zoo it
is all a pointless exercise. For example, in the last century there have been
167 attempts to reintroduce a certain species, of which only 16 have been
successful. While this figure is certainly better than nothing, protestors
believe the success rate is not worth the suffering endured by the animals that
are alive and living in captivity. Protestors even go as far as saying that
zoos are no longer a benefit to people, after a study showed the average time
an individual stood at each animal display was less than one minute.
is no denying that the animals kept in zoos argument is a bit of a hot potato
but both sides of the argument make valid points. At the end of the day,
everyone involved, from members of the public and zookeepers to conservation
specialists and scientists all have one common interest – to ensure the welfare
of the animal. As long as the focus remains on keeping the animals happy and
healthy, the argument for and against can rage on.