Friday 13 May 2016

Driving Safety

Some people think that strict punishments for driving offences are the key to reducing traffic accidents. Others, however, believe that other measures would be more effective in improving road safety. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

People have differing views with regard to the question of how to make our roads safer. In my view, both punishments and a range of other measures can be used together to promote better driving habits.

On the one hand, strict punishments can certainly help to encourage people to drive more safely. Penalties for dangerous drivers can act as a deterrent, meaning that people avoid repeating the same offence. There are various types of driving penalty, such as small fines, licence suspension, driver awareness courses, and even prison sentences. The aim of these punishments is to show dangerous drivers that their actions have negative consequences. As a result, we would hope that drivers become more disciplined and alert, and that they follow the rules more carefully.

On the other hand, I believe that safe driving can be promoted in several different ways that do not punish drivers. Firstly, it is vitally important to educate people properly before they start to drive, and this could be done in schools or even as part of an extended or more difficult driving test. Secondly, more attention could be paid to safe road design. For example, signs can be used to warn people, speed bumps and road bends can be added to calm traffic, and speed cameras can help to deter people from driving too quickly. Finally, governments or local councils could reduce road accidents by investing in better public transport, which would mean that fewer people would need to travel by car.

In conclusion, while punishments can help to prevent bad driving, I believe that other road safety measures should also be introduced.

Are undergraduates ready for the real world

The school days are crammed with facts and figures, encompassing various subjects ranging from English to Mathematics. All of these require students to learn, memorise, understand and to be tested. Besides grades and examinations, the school also encompasses a wider curriculum including character moulding, citizenship building and personality development. Indeed, I think the school does prepare us for life.

Firstly, the school teaches us self-discipline. We learn to keep to a schedule and to adhere to the timetable. We also learn to appreciate time and to be punctual. Moreover, we are trained to plan and manage time wisely. We also abide by and respect rules and regulations. The disciplined students will grow up to be disciplined adults and they will do well in their future undertakings.

The school also helps to fortify our determination and perseverance. We learn to fulfil the demands of the school. We also learn to meet deadlines and hand in the homework on time. Moreover, we learn to face stress and pressure. In school, students learn to overcome challenges. Students with strength of character will be well-prepared to face the challenges of work and life in the future.

Co-curricular activities are part and parcel of a student’s life. They help to mould students’ character and personality so that students learn to be confident. They help to hone the leadership qualities in the students themselves. Students learn to work together and co-operate with others. They also learn to appreciate good values like esprit de corps. Students learn to contribute positively and to put their best foot forward besides to take success and failure in their stride. We as the students learn to honour values of sportsmanship and fair play. Through co-curricular activities, students also learn loyalty, commitment and responsibility. When they grow up, they will work well as a team with others and committed in serious work.

The school is a micro-society. The everyday social interaction is an excellent preparation for life in the society outside. In school, students have the opportunities to interact with other students from varied background, creed and race. Indirectly, they learn tolerance, acceptance and understanding. The students also have the opportunity to work and to mingle together. This can help to foster an open mind and promote unity.

Just mention the word ‘school’ and images of grades and examinations come to our mind. Indeed students spend a lot of time and energy preparing and sitting for examinations. Along with that they gather a string of qualifications as well as knowledge and skills. They are crucial since they are the stepping stones and the foundation for the future. They can help students to secure a good job and successful career.

In short, school does prepare us for life. It helps to nurture and to build strong character in ourselves. School also prepares students with the necessary ‘tool’ so that students can fit into society and contribute positively to the nation and people in future.

Tak Nak Campaign


Your school is having a month-long ‘A Healthy Body Campaign’. As President of the Health Club of your school, you decide to give a speech on the ‘Tak nak Campaign’ recently launched by the government.

A very good morning to our dear Principal, Mr. Hasnan bin Jaafar, teachers and students.

            Recently, our former Prime Minister, Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi launched an anti-smoking campaign called “Tak Nak”. You can now see this short and rhyming catch phrase “Tak Nak” everywhere – on billboards, posters, TV ads, and sometimes I even hear it on the radio. Though some people have criticised our government for setting aside a staggering sum of RM100 million over 6 years for the campaign, it is nothing compared to the huge amounts that tobacco companies spend to promote smoking.

            But in this war against smoking, money definitely talks; it is necessary for the Tak Nak Campaign to constanly remind us of the hazard of smoking because about 50 Malaysian teenagers light up for the first time every day. In fact, some of these youth progress steadily from this to regular use, with addiction raking hold within a few years. And this is despite the warning on every pack of cigarettes that states unequivocally “Smoking is dangerous to your health”.

            What can the Tak Nak Campaign do to combat this? Their aggressive advertising creates media awareness among the public, especially among the fashionable young crowd, that smokers have yellowed teeth and suffer from shortness of breath and tells them that it is not cool to smoke. It is also not responsible of them to affect non-smokers with second-hand smoke.

            Also, there is a succession of infomercials on TV and in the papers showing the debilitating effects of tobacco addiction on the body and gruesome statistics of smoke-related deaths. We are now familiar with the graphic pictures of damaged lungs on billboards which should scare people into not smoking. This works, as I know some of my friends are quitting now, or trying to reduce the number of cigarettes they smoke per week.

            However, I feel any anti-smoking campaign is more effective if other people and organisations are actively involved too. Yes, the first step has been taken by the top, but sad to say, many of our politicians smoke themselves. Nearer to home, so do some of our parents and teachers.

            These adults have to be good role models by not smoking themselves. If they do smoke, they should tell their children and students that they regret that they ever started, and then take steps to quit smoking as soon as possible. They must practise what they preach.
On a more positive note, I commend the Malaysia Amateur Athletic Union for its zero-tolerance of smoking because they know that smoking and health just do not mix. How can our sportsmen excel if they cannot stop smoking.
Dear teachers and students, thank you for your attention. Let me end my speech by reiterating that smoking is a bad habit, so make Tak Nak your mantra. If you have started smoking, say Tak Nak and quit! And if you haven’t started smoking, say know that smoking not only damages your health but you are also literally burning your money.

Thursday 21 April 2016

Haze: A Danger to Health

            The haze is a constant phenomenon faced by Malaysia and her neighbouring countries. The haze is basically pollution of atmosphere, which is clogged with pollutants and other substances from forest fires.

            The haze is a direct effect of forest fire in Kalimantan and other parts of Indonesia due to slash and burn method of farming. The Indonesian authorities appear to have no power to control farmers from practising such methods. The haze is further worsened by open burning practised by most Malaysians. Open-field burning of rice straw by the rice planters and open burning of dried leaves and garbage done by the public are a few examples that done by Malaysian. Many are ignorant of the health effects of open burning.

            During the haze, hospitals and clinic often report a dramatic increase in respiratory problems, lung infections and asthma attack. The Air Pollution Index (API) usually indicates the hazardous and dangerous levels of pollution during this period. The haze has long-term side effects. Prolonged inhalation of polluted air will result in serious lung infection which particularly affects the elderly.

            The government must play its role to reduce the haze treat. It has to cooperate with the Indonesian authorities to stamp out forest fires. The culprits must be brought to justice, either through healthy fine or prison sentence. Constant vigilance would ensure the perpetrators do not repeat their offence.

           The government should also raise the public awareness of the dangers of forest fire. Continuous campaign of the cause, solutions and steps-need-to-be-taken to reduce the haze need to be promoted through all types of social media like television, radio, newspaper and even via internet. The authorities should also provide assistance to farmers and introduce more sophisticated forest clearing methods.

            In Malaysia, strict laws must be imposed to penalise those who practise open burning. On-going campaigns on the dangers of open burning should be intensified. Individuals have a role to play too. They must participate in every campaign and stop burning. Students can advise their parents not to practice open burning.

            Every individual has to remember that we do not own the world, but instead we lent it from our future generations. We must protect our world so that our grandchildren would have a healthy earth to live.

Write a Story About Being Alone

Last Saturday night, my parents went to their friend's wedding dinner. I wished I could follow them as I hate to be home alone. Unfortunately, only my parents were invited so I could not go. Before leaving the house, my parents comforted me and told me that they would come back as early as possible.

After my parents had left the house, I decided to watch a film. I switched on the computer and inserted a DVD. Just when I was about to start watching, I heard the horrible sound of the howling wind. Out of curiosity, I took a glance through the window and saw the trees outside bending over from the strong wind. Thankfully, it was only the wind. I put on my earphones and began to watch the film.

After several minutes, it started to rain cats and dogs. The raindrops beat hard on the roof and the noise was deafening. I looked through the window again. Suddenly, there was a flash of lightning followed by a loud clap of thunder. The sudden clap gave me a fright. I quickly shut and locked the window. I also checked all the other windows and doors to make sure that they were locked. A loud thunder roared again and the electricity supply was cut off! There was a blackout. I was nervous as this happened abruptly and there was pitch dark all over the house. The beating sound of the rain on the roof became clearer.

Quickly, I calmed myself down and decided to search for my torch. I walked slowly in the dark, trying to find the way to my bedroom. When I was approaching my bedroom, I thought I heard a horrible cough coming from somewhere. I panicked and knocked my head against the wall.

"Ouch! My head!" I cried in pain.

After groping around in the dark for a while, I managed to find my torch in my bedroom. I switched on the torch quickly and went to the kitchen to get a few candles and a lighter. I lit three candles and placed them in the living room. Then I sat on the sofa, waiting for the electricity supply to resume. I usually liked it when it rained, especially during the night because the weather would be cool and I could sleep soundly. But not tonight - there was a blackout and I was home alone. I blamed my parents for leaving me at home all by myself.

I fell asleep on the sofa. A sudden knock on the door woke me up. I looked through the window to see who it was. The electrical power had not resumed yet and I could hardly see clearly. All of a sudden, I saw a face staring back at me at the window. Assuming that it was a stranger with some evil intentions, I screamed and took to my heels. As I was running away, I heard my mother calling my name and asking me to open the door.

Upon hearing my mother's voice, I was relieved. After unlocking the door, I was delighted to see my parents in the doorway.

"Mum, Dad! I'm so glad to see you!" I exclaimed, hugging them tightly.

It was actually my father who was peering through the window to see why I lit candles. After learning what had happened, my parents consoled me and sent me to my bedroom. It was already 12 midnight then.

The power came back on at the crack of dawn.

After the incident, I was reluctant to be home alone again, especially at night. It was indeed a frightening and unforgettable experience. I certainly hope that such incidents will not recur.

Monday 18 April 2016

Sample Essay - The Importance Of Hobbies

Hobby is something that one likes to do in one’s spare time. The Oxford Dictionary defines hobby as a favorite activity that a person does for pleasure and not as his or her regular business. In short, hobby is one’s favorite pastime.
Hobby is not an inborn inclination. It is developed through a constant and systematic process. A hobby is not pursued to make a profit. The main purpose of a hobby is to derive pleasure out of it. It gives us mental and physical relaxation. One makes the best use of one’s spare time by pursuing a hobby.
While making a choice out of many ways of spending our time, we ought to ensure that is restores our lost energy and cheers us up. There are a good number of hobbies. The hobby that fits our interest, nature and our budget would be the best.
A young person needs all round development of his or her personality. Hobbies play an important role in developing one’s personality. A person may become like a machine if he does his routine work throughout the day. he may lose interest in his work or feel bored of it. Who does not know the famous saying ‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy‘, so every person should have a hobby to keep himself active physically as well as mentally. Most people should take some time off from their routine work and play games or go on picnic, movies or pursue their hobbies. A hobby keeps a person active, busy and cheerful.

There is hardly a person who does not have a hobby. Not only the educated but also the uneducated pursue one hobby or the other. Some of the common hobbies are playing cards, flying of kites, petting of birds and animals, gardening, stamp collecting, coin-gathering, sewing, crafts, embroidery, knitting, cooking, photography, writing letters to editors of newspapers, writing poetry, reading books and magazines, swimming, listening music, watching movies, surfing internet, traveling etc.
Painting is a popular hobby. It is learned after years of practice. A neat hand is required for his hobby. Many professional schools of painting have been established to train children as well as the youth. Many students today seek a career in computer. They can attain perfection in it if they start with computer software development as a hobby.
Gardening develops a sense of eco-responsibility in our minds. it keeps us in touch with Nature. One can plant trees, flower plants, vegetables or bonsai plaints in one’s compound. A garden full of flowers looks beautiful and give us sweet fragrance. Flowers and beauty to the garden as well as the house. They delight the sense and give us a great relief from the world full of tension and pollution.
Each one of us should choose a worthwhile hobby that give us change and joy. At times our hobbies become our profitable vocation.

Informal Letter - Use Time Wisely

Question : 
Your brother spends too much time on the Internet and has done badly in his PMR Trial Examination.Your mother has asked you to write a letter advising him how to divide his time wisely.

·                     Stay Up Late - Chat -Internet
·                     Too Much - Time - Online games
·                     Have A Timetable - Study - Surf Internet

·                     Use Internet - Gain Knowledge

Essay Sample

128-5-9, Sri Pelangi Condominium,
Jalan Genting Kelang,
53300 Kuala Lumpur.

20 August 2013. 

Dear Gabriel,

   How are you? I hope you are fine. Please send my regards to father and mother. I miss you all dearly. I heard that you did not do well in your recent PMR Trial Examination. Mother phoned me a few days ago and told me about it. Father and mother are really worried about you spending too much time on the Internet. So, I am writing this letter to give you some tips on how to divide your time wisely.

   First of all, young man, don't stay up late.Don't burn your midnight oil chatting on the Internet. Go to bed early. Our body needs at least 8 to 10 hours of sleep everyday.Enough sleep will enable your mind to stay sharp and productive the next day.Therefore, instead of sleeping around 1 to 2 a.m. in the morning, call it a night around 10 p.m.

   Next, don't spend too much time playing online games. There is nothing wrong in playing online games but when it affects your studies then you should put a brake to it.My advice is leave all your online gaming activities until you have finished your PMR Examination. Focus on your studies first, you can continue playing once you have finished your examination.

   Draft out a study timetable to help you manage your time wisely. On the timetable allocate one to two hours to surf the Internet. Now, remember, the Internet contains a lot of  useful information for everyone. It can be used to gain knowledge and to sift through  for information useful for your PMR Examination. 

   Finally, join some outdoor physical activities rather than just being holed up in the house in front of your computer the whole day. Go cycling or walking around the park. Play football or badminton with your friends in the evenings. Physical activities help keep your body and mind healthy. You need a healthy body and mind to do well in your PMR Examination.

   I wish I could write more but I have to stop here for now. I  have to prepare for my next week's final term semester examination. I hope you will take my advice and mend your ways. I wish you all the best in your PMR Examination. Hugs and kisses.

Your loving sister,

Pollution Essay Sample

The population of our planet is constantly increasing. It leads to a new problem of trash enlarging because the more people we have, the dirtier our planet gets with every day. There are still some options of quality garbage utilization even though we reach a high level of technological development. It is important that garbage influences the water we drink. Moreover, there are even special islands for garbage in the oceans.
We do not pay a lot of attention to such a problem as sound pollution, but it is also very menacing. When we listen to the sounds of cars, trains or other transport every day, we harm our hearing organs. It is not in our nature to listen to such high sounds, so that is the reason we get some negative influences from noise pollution.
One of the most pivotal questions nowadays is water pollution. Every minute there are a lot of dangerous chemicals that pollute our water greatly. The thing is that plants, factories and mills throw into the rivers or seas around is not under control. This problem is so extreme that water in some rivers might cause death and thus is banned to use. In addition, there is also a way to get hurt if we eat fish from the dirty rivers, which is really unhealthy.
Time flies by and the more we use our natural resources, the more impure our air gets and influences all the spheres of our life. With the air pollution increase, we also get different decreases that result in death. Yes, it is as simple as that. A harmful living environment is the reason of problems with our health. It is a pity that there is no sense if you are eager to improve your health, but there is no way the living environment can become better. Pollution on our planet puts all our lives at risk.
It is time to realize that the pollution problems become more and more serious. We need more trees to improve the air we breathe. With our development, it is not hard to come up with the idea of a water purification mechanism. Factories should follow the rules of keeping the environment clean and utilize their garbage properly. Governments have to monitor all the environment protection problems as strictly as possible. It would be a wonderful idea to introduce stricter laws to protect our planet.

Even though the situation with environmental pollution is pretty serious, there are ways of dealing with it. In order to save the Earth, we need to start being friendly to the world around us and using it wisely.

Wednesday 30 March 2016

Novel Dear Mr Kilmer- Form 5 (Moral Values)

Moral Values

  • Courage and resilience
  • Diligence and perseverance
  • Truth, integrity and honour
  • Rationality and moderation
  • Patriotism
  • Compassion and understanding

Novel Dear Mr Kilmer- Form 5 (Themes)


  • The challenges of growing up
  • Love, understanding and family relationships
  • Humanity and friendship give us hope
  • Life is full of surprises and ironies
  • Where there is prejudice, there is no reason

Novel Dear Mr Kilmer- Form 5 (Setting)

  • Iowa, America - a farm at the countryside of Turtle Lake County
  • Richard's home
  • School
  • Hannah's home
  • War trenches in Europe
  • World War 1 (1914-1918)
  • Lower middle class (farmers)
  • Upper middle class (teachers, Schermers)

A Poison Tree Poem - Extra Exercise

1. What happened when the persona told a friend that the persona was angry with him?

2. What do you think the apple represents?

3. Which word in the poem means 'to move quietly without being noticed'?

4. The persona in the poem is angry with a friend. If you were the persona's friend, what advice would you give him or her?

5. In stanza 1, which word in the poem means 'terrible anger'?

6. In stanza 2, how did the persona tend to his plant?

7. Identify a phrase in the poem which effectively describes the silent, cunning scheming of the persona.

8. In your opinion, who is the real victim in this poem- the persona or the 'foe'? Give a reason for your answer.

P.S. Please comment below if you have any query about these questions. Thanks.

Thursday 24 March 2016

Exercise - A Poison Tree Poem - Form 5

1. Why did the persona's wrath end when he told his friend about it?

2. What happened when he did not tell his foe?

3. How did the persona nurture his wrath?

4. Why is 'and' repeated three times in stanza 2?

5. What type of literary device is used in 'soft deceitful wiles'? Why?

6. What does the poem's title suggest about the content?

7. In your opinion, what is the persona really doing in stanza 2?

8. How could the foe possibly know that the 'apple bright' belongs to the persona?

Messages and Moral Values - A Poison Tree Poem - Form 5


Do not suppress negative feelings
- We must resolve the issue if we have negative feelings like anger.
- Remaining silent about our anger only makes us bitter and even evil.
- Suppressed anger is dangerous as it can have a destructive effect on society.

Moral Values

  • Truthfulness
  • Forgiveness
  • Rationality
  • Moderation

Themes of A Poison Tree Poem - Form 5 literature


  • Suppressing anger 
Anger should be addressed because it can lead to destructive consequences for both the angry person and his victim.

  • Importance of communication
Communication is important in any relationship, more so if one cannot get along with someone or has a grudge.

  • Deception and self-deception
People are often deceived by outward appearances.

  • Patience, self-restraint and moderation
The persona does not portrays patience as he refuse to make peace with his enemy by talking about his anger. 

Wednesday 23 March 2016

A Poison Tree Poem - Meaning by stanza

Stanza 1

  • The persona is angry at his friend and talks it out. His anger dissipated and they continue the friendship. 
  • However, when he is angry with his enemy, he keeps quiet. Then, his anger grows even more within him.

Stanza 2
  • He lets his anger grows day and night. He acts in deceitful ways toward his enemy.

Stanza 3
  • The poison tree of anger eventually bears fruit which is an 'apple bright'.
  • The enemy knows it belongs to the persona.
  • The apple is very attractive to the enemy.

Stanza 4
  • The apple is attractive and lures the enemy who sneaks into the persona's garden at night.
  • At night, the 'pole star' is hidden and cannot protect the enemy from the danger of the 'apple bright'.
  • The 'pole star' is the North Star or Polaris, a bright star permanently in the sky still used by navigators to avoid dangers while travelling. 
  • The enemy eats the apple and is poisoned.
  • The persona is satisfied.

Literature Form 5 - A Poison Tree Poem

by William Blake

I was angry with my friend; 
I told my wrath, my wrath did end.
I was angry with my foe: 
I told it not, my wrath did grow. 

And I waterd it in fears,
Night & morning with my tears: 
And I sunned it with smiles,
And with soft deceitful wiles. 

And it grew both day and night. 
Till it bore an apple bright. 
And my foe beheld it shine,
And he knew that it was mine. 

And into my garden stole, 
When the night had veild the pole; 
In the morning glad I see; 
My foe outstretched beneath the tree.

Extra Exercise - What has happened to Lulu?

1. Who is Lulu?

2. Who wrote the crumpled note in the fire?

3. Based on your thoughts, why does the persona refer her sister as 'Lu'?

4. Why do you think the mother says the persona was only dreaming? Provide 2 reasons.

5. In stanza 1, what remnants of childhood did Lulu leave behind in her bedroom?

6. In stanza 2, which phrase indicates that Lulu has found freedom?

7. Why do you think the mother is crying?

8. Do you think it was right of Lulu to do what she did? Give a reason for your answer.

Exercises - What has happened to Lulu?

Stanza 1

1. Who do you think Lulu is?

2. Give 2 pieces of evidence which indicate that Lulu has disappeared.

3. What does the shortened name of Lulu in line 2 suggest?

Stanza 2

1. How old do you think Lulu is? Give reasons.

2. Is her age important? Why?

3. What do lines 3 and 4 show about Lulu and what she has done?

4. What literary device is used in the first 2 lines?

Stanza 3

1. Why are there only two characters present in this poem?

2. What does the use of the term 'mother' instead of 'mummy' suggest?

3. Based on your thoughts, why is the mother crying? Provide 2 reasons.

What Has Happened to Lulu? Elements - Form 5 literature (Poem) - Part 2


  • We should seek help in the face of challenges
Child narrator's mother is depressed over the disappearance of her daughter Lulu. 
Instead of seeking help, she crumples her daughter's note and throws it into the fire, saying 'it is nothing at all'.

  • Families should be havens of loves and understanding
The relationship between child narrator's mother and her daughter Lulu has been a tense and strained one.

Moral Values

  • Love and appreciation
  • Obedience and respect
  • Honesty
  • Freedom and responsibility

Tone and Mood

  • Confusion
  • Sadness
  • Irony

Why Should We Have Good Manners?

Good manners are important to live happily among people. Without good manners we are only slightly better than animals.

The modern society consists of more people than it did in the past. These people are of various cultural, racial, religious and professional backgrounds. It therefore requires great powers of endurance and abilities of mixing with people. Good manners enable one to tolerate the disagreeable attitudes of others to a great extent. They also help to promote friendship among the people around.

If one has good manners, that person is respected by those who associate with him or her. Having good manners, however, does not mean that being polite, understanding, and sympathetic when not only outside but also inside his or her home. There are many people who are very kind and polite to people outside their homes, but within their own homes they are worse than the devil himself. Such people do not really have good manners.

Having good manners means being good to others. Our speech and habits as well as our behavior should not hurt the feelings of others or cause them any inconvenience. We should not also talk ill about others or boast about our achievements or personal possessions. We must not laugh at the weaknesses and failures of others. Further, if we are angry we must try to use words in such a way that others are not offended.

If we have all these qualities, we will have more friends and well-wishers. We will also have less trouble from others, and those who associate with us will also learn how to behave well. In this way, our good manners will help to spread better understanding and good-will among others. Thus, we can live a happier life. It is for all these reasons that we should have good manners.

Road Safety

A very good morning to the Principal of SM Sri Mayang, teachers and fellow friends. As the chairperson of the school’s organizing committee for the ‘Road Safety Week’, I would like to give a talk on some safety tips for the students. As we know, there has been an increase in the accidents reported involving students of this school. I hope this talk will raise your awareness to be more responsible and careful when using the road.

I would like to identify some of the reasons why road accidents occur. First, speeding beyond the prescribed limits is the main cause. Some drivers not only speed but also drive recklessly, breaking road rules and beating the traffic lights. Moreover, drivers who are tired after long distance driving or after a long day work, may not be able to concentrate on the road, thus causing accidents. Youngsters using the road as their racing track is another cause too. Drivers who do not check and maintain their vehicles often may be involved in accidents because their vehicle is faulty. Many potholes and uneven roads which contribute to the poor condition of the road too can cause accidents.

However, these problems can be overcome with strict enforcement of traffic rules to those who flaunt the law. The offenders should be caught and fines should be increased. Only road-worthy vehicles, which have been maintained well, should be permitted on the roads. Awareness campaigns on safe driving should be carried out everywhere. Since young drivers are high on the accident list, their age limit should be increased. If the drivers are involved in any accidents, their licence should be suspended.

I hope the short talk that I have delivered have given you some ideas of how to use the road safely. Thank you for listening.

Tuesday 15 March 2016

Zoos are sometimes seen as necessary but not poor alternatives to a natural environment

Discuss some of the arguments for and/or against keeping animals in zoos.

     There are not many people in the world who haven’t visited a zoo or safari park in their lifetime. Not only is a trip to the zoo a fun day out, it is a chance for many people to get relatively close to animals they are unlikely to see elsewhere. Zoos are run to a strict standard, with licences and regular welfare checks all being required. Despite these standards, many individuals are against animals living in captivity and being “paraded” in front of people for monetary gain. Others believe, for many animals, captivity is the only way their species will survive extinction. What you choose to believe is entirely your choice, but it may help to hear the opposing arguments.

Benefits or Pros

     The average zoo today is a far cry from the zoos of old when cement cages and steel-bar enclosures were commonplace. A much more natural approach is taken these days, with modern zoos using streams and moats to prevent animals from leaving a specific area.
The animals are also housed in what is known as a mini-habitat, this means the enclosure where that particular animal lives is as close to its natural habitat as possible. When a zoo wishes to acquire a new animal, there is a strict procedure to follow. In the past, representatives from the zoo would simply capture the desired animal from the wild and bring it back. Now zoos are required to either get animals from other zoos or through specialist captive breeding projects.

     Breeding programs are focused on breeding animals that face extinction, meaning captivity is the only chance some animals have at survival. On odd occasion a zoo may adopt an abandoned or orphaned animal, usually from individuals who have bought an animal for a pet that they can no longer look after properly.

     Whereas in the past, staffs were trained in general zoo upkeep, zookeepers now have specialist knowledge and often specialise in a particular animal. As well as understanding the animal’s food and sleep requirements, each zookeeper will be in charge of arranging activities for their animal to prevent mental deteriation. This may be a game, involve toys or a simple treasure hunt for dinner. This prevents the animals from becoming bored and depressed.

     One of the most valuable benefits a zoo has to offer is the chance for scientists to conduct important research. This subsequently helps the scientists develop new ways to improve each animal’s wellbeing, as well as important new medicines. Most zoos also run education programs, which teach people everything they need to know from caring for animals to taking part in conservation projects. These important educational sessions provide the general public with an insight into not only zoo life but the harsh reality of illegal hunting, endangered animals and extinction.


     The main argument against zoos is the belief by some professionals that, even with the best intentions and conditions, a zoo cannot provide the perfect environment for every type of animal. For example, it is extremely difficult for zoos to recreate the natural environment that an elephant is used to living in. This is because in the course of a day an elephant can walk anywhere up to 50 kilometers a day. Elephants also travel in packs of thirty or forty in the wild. In most zoos, elephants will usually have just several acres to walk around in and maybe a couple of other elephants if they are lucky.

     All zoos and safari parks have to adhere to guidelines laid down in the Animal Welfare Act. While these guidelines are extremely strict, many anti-zoo campaigners believe it is rarely enforced and zoos tend to follow a relaxed version of the rules.

     People against animals being kept in zoos are also unimpressed with the attempts to create an animal friendly habitat for each occupant. They argue that these habitats, while attractive and a vast improvement on the past, are rarely big enough and do not prevent the animals from becoming depressed. For example, animals such as giraffes and zebras were designed, and are built, to run across miles of terrain, something they cannot do in captivity.

     Anti-zoo supporters also argue that by making animals live in artificial surroundings the zoo is messing with natural mating and hunting activities. According to scientists, this can cause something called zoochosis in the animal, which is similar to the human Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Another problem is privacy, because the animals are living in habitats that are often extremely smaller than they are used to, the animal cannot enjoy much needed privacy. This can cause depression and obsessive behavior in the animals.
While all conservation efforts must be admired, for those people against keeping animals in a zoo it is all a pointless exercise. For example, in the last century there have been 167 attempts to reintroduce a certain species, of which only 16 have been successful. While this figure is certainly better than nothing, protestors believe the success rate is not worth the suffering endured by the animals that are alive and living in captivity. Protestors even go as far as saying that zoos are no longer a benefit to people, after a study showed the average time an individual stood at each animal display was less than one minute.


     There is no denying that the animals kept in zoos argument is a bit of a hot potato but both sides of the argument make valid points. At the end of the day, everyone involved, from members of the public and zookeepers to conservation specialists and scientists all have one common interest – to ensure the welfare of the animal. As long as the focus remains on keeping the animals happy and healthy, the argument for and against can rage on.

Is Technology Making Us Lonely?

Technology is supposed to make us more connected. We can stay in touch with our friends all the time on Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr, and, of course, by texting. But are our smartphones actually getting in the way of real socializing? Could technology be making us more alone?
As social media reshapes how we connect, we have to rethink what we need to feel fulfilled in our relationships, and realize that no amount of tweets, texts or Facebook status updates can provide it.  While social networking is a great tool, there’s a profound difference between an online social network and a real one.  Despite the fact there will always be someone, somewhere awake to “like” our latest status update – however witty or banal it may be – when it comes to friends, quantity doesn’t equal quality.
Recent studies have found that despite being more connected than ever, more people feel more alone than ever. Surprisingly, those who report feeling most alone, are those you’d expect it from least: young people under 35 who are the most prolific social networkers of all.    Another recent study found that 48% of respondents only had one confidant compared to a similar study 25 years ago when people said they had about three people they could confide in. So as we have built expansive social networks online, the depth of our networks offline has decreased.  So it seems that because technology makes it easier to stay in touch while keeping distance, more and more people find themselves feeling distant and never touching. Or at least not enough to avoid us feeling increasingly alone.
Social media allows us to control what we share.   It appeals to our vulnerability and vanity. We can pick and choose which photos we share and craftily edit our words to ensure we convey the image we want others to see. Yet it also provides the illusion of friendship that, in real life, may be shallow, superficial and unable to stand the demands, and pressures genuine friendships entail.
Digital communication can never replace in person, face-to-face, contact in building relationships – personal and professional. As a study by Harvard Business Review found, team performance went up 50% when teams socialized more and limited email for more operational only issues.  But whether loneliness leads people to the Internet, or the internet to loneliness, it seems that many of us turn to the internet to avoid simply being with ourselves. As Sherri Turkle author of Alone Together wrote, until we learn how to be okay with solitude, we are not going to be able to connect deeply with others. Social networking provides a means of escaping confronting aspects of ourselves and our lives we wish were different, better, more glamorous and less mundane. It’s an all too convenient tool for avoiding sometimes harsh realities and playing pretend (to ourselves and others) with our life.   Online websites promise avatars that will allow us to love our bodies, love our lives, and find the true romance we dream of. But at what cost to the real life (marriage, body, friendships) we have to face when we close our computer down?  Even the most brilliant and mesmerizing avatars cannot compensate for what is missing in real life.
Don’t get me wrong; online technology is not some “necessary evil.” Far from it. It’s a magnificent tool for staying in touch with people across miles, time zones and years. We’ve all witnessed it’s power in rallying people behind noble causes (think KONY 2012), overthrow governments (as we saw in the Arab Spring last year), enable people in isolated corners of the globe to plug into resources and information they could never otherwise access (think North Korea), and provide opportunity to conduct business more efficiently than ever before.  But like all tools, we have to learn how to use it well, and not let it use us. We cannot become dependent on it to do things it simply cannot do – like fulfill our deep innate need for intimacy, genuine connection and real friendship. All needs which can only be fulfilled through sometimes-uncomfortable conversations, in which we share openly what is happening to us and engage authentically with what is going on for others.

As we rely on technology to communicate more efficiently in an increasingly global world, we mustn’t lose tough with the physical community around us or forget that human element within any relationship can never be replaced by technology. The more we rely on technology in our lives the more mindful we must be to turn it off and spend time with people, without our gadgets beeping at us to return texts that really, aren’t worth our time to reply to. While it might be stating the obvious, if you want to connect with people more, you need to be in converse with people more – openly, authentically and with a vulnerability that may sometimes make you uncomfortable.